Important note :

  • All the prices listed above applies for online booking only, if you wish to know our public rates, you can contact our booking center at 04 91 34 05 25
  • Make sure to fill out the mileage field (in kilometre) : « km estimé » in order to benefit the most interesting rate. If you don’t complete the mileage field, we will apply the minimal bundle of 100km/day

To rent a car or a commercial van/truck, you must complete some conditions and present a few number of documents:

  • You must be aged over than 21 years old and have a driving license since one year or later.
    For drivers who are under 25 years old, a surcharge of 20€ must be paid on site
  • the means of payment must be to your name. if you’re the renter, you can’t present someone else credit card
  • You must present a proof of residency (of less than three months)
  • You must have Visa, Mastercard or American express credit card.
    Maestro/electron Cards are not admissible